Table of Content
- Jesus always say that we are servant. Is there any verse where Jesus says that we are sons
- Our sin has been forgiven apart from man’s work, but what about mark 11:26 – can’t forgive others, you are not forgiven.
- Living under grace is much better than living under law? But how can some people or some churches who live under law still live prosperous, successful and growing?
- What will happen to us as sons of God who already believe and born again but sometime in the future we become disappointed with God, then we blaspheme and insult God?
- We know that God bless us doesn’t matter how big is our faith. What is the meaning of Matthew 17:19-21 where the Lord said to the disciples that this kind of demon can’t be cast out unless by praying and fasting?
- What is the meaning of 1 Cor 10:13?
- We know and agreed that God is the source of good and God always good, there is nothing bad and evil in Him, but we also know that in this world there are crimes even in our surroundings we can find crimes. Was God also created evil/disaster?
- What is the purpose on creating evil/disaster?
- There are many self-development trainings to train intellect, memory, emotion and imagination (dreams), they even using verses from bible. The goal is to make us a good person and to manage ourselves. Is it good to follow that trainings? For instance, we can find our strength, weakness, passion through those tests.
- Yesterday it said that the job of the Holy Spirit is to remind us when we sin, but also being said that don’t be sin conscious, if we don’t feel wrong to do sin. Is that means the Holy Spirit is no longer working to remind us? And if we remember our sin doesn’t that become sin conscious?
- What should we do after we become sons of God?
- If conscience is from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then conscience is coming from God since He is the one who created the tree.
- What the meaning of give little, reap little, give a lot, reap a lot? Is this like money multiplications?
- Jesus’ parable about talents is to who and what is the meaning?
- Can we lose our salvation when we (a believer) backslide (ex: go back to worldly life, cheat people, kill people? (Ref. Matt : 21 – 23 = “Lord, Lord….depart from me, I never knew you; James 2 : 14 – 26 “Faith without work is dead)
- We’ve been taught that sin cannot stop the blessings of God in our life. But sin can cause a guilty conscience. Regardless of how much one looks the Cross, its possible to have some feelings of guilt. Does a guilty conscience slow/ stop the blessings of God.
- There is a 30, 60 and 100-fold blessing. Does that mean when we are really know our identity in Christ and have been restored of all our sin problems – the 100-fold can manifest?
- When some was re-born, he’s a new creation. The Holy Spirit lived in his being/ life. As time goes by, due to particular reason he converted to other religion. Did he remain to be called a son of God? Did the Holy Spirit still live in his body? Can he be called the lost son? Is there any chance to be a second re-born?
Q1: Jesus always say that we are servant. Is there any verse where Jesus says that we are sons?
A1: While the statements that we are the sons many times were mentioned by Paul
The Apostle Paul mentioned many times in his letters to the churches that we are sons of God. Paul mentioned that he received his revelation directly from Christ Jesus. (Galatians 1: 11 to 13)
There is no record of Jesus saying that we are sons of God, but the Apostle John wrote in John 1:12 that those who believe in His Name are given the right to become children of God.
Jesus’ prayer in John 17 states that those who believe in Him are in Him, and since Jesus is the Son of God, we become sons of God in Christ too.
Q2: Our sin has been forgiven apart from man’s work, but what about mark 11:26 – can’t forgive others, you are not forgiven.
A2: This is a good question, as Jesus was speaking to the disciples. The background of this was the withering of the fig tree whom Jesus cursed the day before. Jesus was talking about having faith in God. We must remember that Jesus has not gone to the cross yet at that time, and still operating under the dispensation of the Law. ( we will deal with this more in Grace Academy 2).
Interestingly, the NU-text versions does not have Mark 11:26 portion.
Q3: Living under grace is much better than living under law? But how can some people or some churches who live under law still live prosperous, successful and growing?
A3: This question is based on what we see in our current surroundings and thus is not based on scriptures.
The Pharisees and Sadducees were very rich and prosperous too during Jesus’ day! Therefore, if we base our descriptions of prosperity and success upon material things, we are limited in our perception.
There are truths that the Lord God has set while we are on this earth, that even non-believers are able to apply and see prosperity in material gains.
The so called “Law of sowing and reaping” found in Genesis 8:22 still applies. It is always easy to see the harvest when it’s in full bloom, but not many people see the hardship in the times of sowing.
Being industrious and diligent will always produce some form of harvest. However, material wealth is not a good measure of prosperity and success, when health, marriage and family relations are compromised. Ultimately, only the individual will account for his own life before the Lord Jesus.
Q4: What will happen to us as sons of God who already believe and born again but sometime in the future we become disappointed with God, then we blaspheme and insult God?
A4: Even the best of the best of Christians doubted God from one time to another, even some preachers has failed in their relationship with God. One of the most beautiful example of God’s unconditional love towards His own is seen in the life of the Apostle Peter.
Even though Peter was very close to the Lord Jesus, when Jesus was arrested and under trial, Peter denied Him three times, and Peter cursed too. (Matthew 26 : 73 – 74)
We know that Jesus restored Peter later and used Peter mightily. It is my personal belief that every true born-again believer do not want to sin or blaspheme and insult God, but even if we did, the grace of God is greater and is able to lead us to a deeper relationship walk with Abba Father by the Holy Spirit in us.
Whoever asked this question is someone I perceived as sensitive to the Lord and may have doubts about his relationship with the Lord. Please remember that the Lord is more than able to hold you and carry you in your times of doubts and struggles. The moment you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, the Holy Spirit is working in you patiently till we all come to a better knowing of our life in Christ!
Q5: We know that God bless us doesn’t matter how big is our faith. What is the meaning of Matthew 17:19-21 where the Lord said to the disciples that this kind of demon can’t be cast out unless by praying and fasting?
A5: There are 2 explanations to this question. The first would be that as this was still under the period of the Law dispensation before the Cross. If you cross reference to Mark 9 : 29 , fasting is not mentioned.
The second explanation is that this was added by the translators as the NU-text omit this verse. Interestingly, the Lord Jesus Himself did not pray nor fasted as He has just come down after His Transfiguration. (We can always debate that He is God, so He does not have to fast and pray!) The apostle Paul did not fast nor pray in Acts 16 when he cast out the demon in the slave girl who did fortune telling too.
The best answer from me therefore, is regardless of what is set before us, let us always rest in the reality of who we are in Christ, as sons of God, and that nothing formed against us can prosper.
Q6: What is the meaning of 1 Cor 10:13?
A6: God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able
We know that all good things come from God, but this verse says that God allowed us to be in temptations.
We live in a fallen world, a world that one day will be no more! While we live thru this world as sons of God, we are also ambassadors for Christ to the lost and dying world. (2Cor 5) The enemy will surely use temptations in areas of our weakness and frailty to prevent us from doing what God has called us to do – to save the lost.
In this world, we will be tempted, but temptation comes either from our own selfish desires or ambition, or from the enemy to cause us to think that we can “short-cut” the journey in our lives in reaching our goals.
However, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is greater than any temptation or weaknesses in our lives. Thru Him, we are more than conquerors in this life, and the Holy Spirit will lead us over and thru each challenge which we will face.
Q7: We know and agreed that God is the source of good and God always good, there is nothing bad and evil in Him, but we also know that in this world there are crimes even in our surroundings we can find crimes. Was God also created evil/disaster?
A7: This is a very common question for believers thru out the ages. You will find many answers if you do an online search on Christian websites for these 2 questions.
However, when we realize who we are in Christ, we are restful that thru all the sufferings and evil that plague our world, we are liberated from all fears by His perfect love.
(I look forward to speak more on this in GA2)
Q8: What is the purpose on creating evil/disaster?
- On 2nd day of creation (firmament) why didn’t say that it was good?
I have spoken to the brother who asked this question but we did not have enough time during the seminar. The question refers to Genesis 1: 6 -9.Again, there are many suggested answers to this question. Some has pointed that day 3 was a continuation of day 2, thus there is no mention of “God saw it was good” in day 2.I shared with the brother who asked this question, that division or separation is not good in the sight of God. In addition to that, we can see from scripture that God is an omniscient God, thus He knew what was coming after creation was finished. God foresaw Lucifer’s rebellion and Adam’s sin and thus in His finite wisdom created a separation from heaven and earth.This would facilitate the ultimate salvation of mankind who would believe and receive the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth! (more in GA2) - In Hebrew 10:16: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds, I will write them,
a. What laws are they? Aren’t we not under the law anymore?When we read chapters 8, 9 and 10 of Hebrews, they tell us about the new High Priest of the New Covenant. The Laws which Hebrews 10:16 refer to thus are Laws of the New Covenant in the finished work of Jesus Christ. As believers, we are no longer let by fear like the nation of Israel was, as they lived under the Mosaic Law. We live under the covenant of Grace and the laws written in our hearts and minds are of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (more in GA2)b. Romans 2:15 “…he law written in their hearts…” If we connect this with Hebrew 10:16 seems like what the Hebrew 10:16 says is the Law of Moses, whereas the context of Heb 10 is for believers and Romans 2 is about unbelievers, but why both of those verses say that the Law was written in their hearts. Is there any connections?Short answer – No, these 2 passages are not referring to the same issue. The Roman passage is referring to conscience which all mankind exercise because of the TOKOGAE. The passage in Hebrews is of the new creation in Christ. (more in GA2)
Q9: There are many self-development trainings to train intellect, memory, emotion and imagination (dreams), they even using verses from bible. The goal is to make us a good person and to manage ourselves. Is it good to follow that trainings? For instance, we can find our strength, weakness, passion through those tests.
A9: This is an individual choice. Motivational training has helped many people but their focus is still very much on self-effort to keep on improving.
One main factor for me to start GA was because I have witnessed believers who attended such training and some has become very successful in certain aspects of their careers or life, yet it is a never-ending chasing after the wind. GA was birthed to equip believers in their identity of who they are in Christ, and when we rest in His finished work for us, we enjoy His fullness for us.
The big difference between motivational trainings and bible is the former points to what you are and what you want. The latter points to Christ and all the promises of God in Christ is yes and amen!
Q10: Yesterday it said that the job of the Holy Spirit is to remind us when we sin, but also being said that don’t be sin conscious, if we don’t feel wrong to do sin. Is that means the Holy Spirit is no longer working to remind us? And if we remember our sin doesn’t that become sin conscious?
A10: In John 16 we find Jesus explaining about the work of the Holy Spirit.
Let us remember what was shared in the sessions. We all agreed that any born-again believer in Christ do not want to sin. We have no desire to sin, even though we do, and sometimes we keep repeating the same sin. Everyone who is of Christ will feel guilty when they sin. Feeling guilty is not wrong. It is an emotional response on our part. Let us also be clear that we are against sin in any form.
The Holy Spirit will always be there, and the question is whether we allow Him to speak to us and lead us. The Holy Spirit will help us up from where we have fallen and bring us to a deeper walk in Christ.
What we encounter is that many believers do not know their identity of who they are in Christ, and when they sin, they are afraid to approach Christian leaders for help due to shame or pride. As for the last question, I can still remember a lot of my own sins since I was a kid. What I know in my heart and mind is that they are all forgiven in the finished work of the cross. I know that I am a son of God in Christ. I know that nothing can separate me from the love of God. I know that in Christ, I am the righteousness of God. To Jesus be all the glory! Amen
Q11: What should we do after we become sons of God?
A11: Live like sons of God. To do so, we need to know what Jesus has given us. Please read Romans to 2 Thessalonians to discover who you are in Christ as sons of God.. (more in GA2)
Q12: If conscience is from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then conscience is coming from God since He is the one who created the tree.
A12: Good point, and we have discussed that in the sessions too. The conscience that comes from God is all good and pleasing and perfect. There is nothing lacking and nothing evil. Please read Genesis 2 and 3. You will discover that the conscience that decides good and evil did not come from God.
This question falls under the field of apologetics and closely linked to those asked in Question 8.
(Though this is not part of GA, we may take time to answer such in GA2)
Q13: What the meaning of give little, reap little, give a lot, reap a lot? Is this like money multiplications?
A13: Sowing and reaping is quite straight forward. When a farmer sows a few seed, his harvest will be smaller than that of another farmer who sows more seed. However, in churches today, we have heard much about sowing and reaping in terms of money.
I will only answer in terms of what the bible teaches. It is not my part to commend on what each individual church is teaching or doing with regards to this subject.
In 2 Cor 9, the apostle Paul encouraged the believers in Corinth to ready the gift promised to the help in the relief efforts of the Judean believers during a time of famine. Paul stated clearly the conditions of the giving.
1) it was their promise; 2) it is to be willing, not under obligation nor grudgingly; 3) it was to encourage thanksgiving towards God for those who receive help.
Therefore, when we are presented with a project or a situation that calls us to give, we can ask the Holy Spirit to show us how much to give or even to give or not give. I have seen the goodness of God that giving bring, sometimes more to me the giver than the one who receives. When I give, it is always a joy and sometimes, giving someone something that is precious to me means more than the cost of the item.
We should never be pressured to give because we are told to give, or made to feel ashamed if we do not give.
I do know that when I give, I am blessed in more ways than just having more money coming in.
I believe what the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Cor 9
10 Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, 11 while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. 12 For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the saints, but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God, 13 while, through the proof of this ministry, they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal sharing with them and all men, 14 and by their prayer for you, who long for you because of the exceeding grace of God in you. 15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
Q14: Jesus’ parable about talents is to who and what is the meaning?
A14: The parable of the Talents is found in Matthew 25 : 14 to 30! The proper reading should be from Matthew 24 where Jesus spoke about events in the end times.
A proper reading through will find that the target audience was primary to the nation of Israel.
Though Israel is known to be the servant of the Lord, and born-again believers are called sons of God, we can take the truths taught to apply in our modern-day life in our own environment.
This parable teaches us about the talents which God has given us, and learn to be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. Everything we have is from God; thus, our whole life is that of a steward. It is a beautiful parable when understood under the new covenant of Grace. (more in GA2)
Q15: Can we lose our salvation when we (a believer) backslide (ex: go back to worldly life, cheat people, kill people? (Ref. Matt : 21 – 23 = “Lord, Lord….depart from me, I never knew you; James 2 : 14 – 26 “Faith without work is dead)
A15: This is a very common question, and the straight forward answer is “No, you cannot lose your salvation”!
In the first place, we cannot earn our salvation, despite of all the good that we do or have done in our lives. As mentioned earlier in previous answers, when a person is born-again, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside him. The bible is clear that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Nowhere in the new testament is there such a thing called “backslidden Christian”. No born-again believer wants to sin, though we all still sin while we are living in this earthly body.
When a person who claims he is a Christian but continue to live in sinful life even after several warnings and admonishments, the bible tells us to leave that person alone. The Lord is able to handle that person.
With regards to the scripture reference provided, please read the whole passages so that a clearer picture of what the verses are referring to.
Q16: We’ve been taught that sin cannot stop the blessings of God in our life. But sin can cause a guilty conscience. Regardless of how much one looks the Cross, its possible to have some feelings of guilt. Does a guilty conscience slow/ stop the blessings of God.
A16: In Question 10 above, we sort of deal with this question, so it’s quite similar. The biggest “hindrance” when believers sin, or have a sinful habit, they tend to go into condemnation. That is where a guilty conscience will lead to ultimately.
When one feels condemned, they do not see themselves worthy of the grace of God in Christ. They do not even feel that they deserve to be called sons of God. If this sound familiar, it is because Jesus spoke about this in the parable of the Prodigal son.
The answer therefore for any believer who has failed, and failed repeatedly is not to run away from God, but instead run into the loving arms of ABBA Father! God is faithful and He will never turn anyone away who comes to HIM. The ending part of the parable in Luke 15 emphasize the work of the Father, rather than the 2 sons.
Let us encourage, and create an environment where sons of God feel welcome and loved, especially when they fail to be embraced by HIS love and grace.
Q17: There is a 30, 60 and 100-fold blessing. Does that mean when we are really know our identity in Christ and have been restored of all our sin problems – the 100-fold can manifest?
A17: The Parable of the Sower is a parable of Jesus found in the three Synoptic Gospels in Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:1-15.
When we read all 3 accounts we will find very interesting differences in the accounts by all 3 writers. I am asking all the readers to all these questions to read all 3 accounts and see if you are able to see the differences.
Please remember what we discussed about the different gospels in the GA sessions.
One point that the above question is incorrect and the 30, 60 and 100-fold is a harvest. The blessing of God is the same, but how we appropriate His Word in our lives has great impact.
Q18: When some was re-born, he’s a new creation. The Holy Spirit lived in his being/ life. As time goes by, due to particular reason he converted to other religion. Did he remain to be called a son of God? Did the Holy Spirit still live in his body? Can he be called the lost son? Is there any chance to be a second re-born?
A18: This last question is personally interesting to me. I am not sure if the question is personal or hypothetical. If its personal – please be ensured that you cannot lost your salvation and there is no such thing as a second chance born-again. Jesus’ finished work on the Cross is perfect, and even while we are imperfect in this life of ours, the Holy Spirit will never leave us or forsake us.
This is why the Lord gave me this teaching to help believers come to an understanding of the reality of their identity as sons of God. One of the biggest mistakes when we disciple new believers is that we focus on what they need to do and serve as a servant of God. We touched on this on the 1st day of GA.
I have had friends who has renounced their faith in Jesus Christ, and converted to other religions. Some has come back to the Father’s House, while others are still on their journey in search of their identity. I have seen ministers who served God for many years and they do likewise too. My personal response is to always pray for them. If they are born-again sons of God, the Lord is not done with them yet.
There are simply too many factors to consider when dealing with so many different cultures, education and environment. Ultimately, as a son of God in Christ, I am humbled that Jesus who die for one such as I!
— End of Q&A —
I have taken time to answer all the questions and I must admit I do not have all the answers. I will never have all the answer. Jesus is the Answer! My task before me is to bring the Word to believers who are searching for answers. We are basically just sign posts pointing to Jesus and HIM alone.
We look forward to seeing everyone again in GA 2.
Please look out for further information from GBC!
The Lord bless all of you and your families and keep you in His shalom peace!